
The Great Effect Your Best Friend Has on Your Health

If ditching the gym to have brunch with your best friend makes you feel a tad bit guilty, cut yourself some slack. It turns out friendships can impact our health just as much as working out and eating properly do.
Researchers examined four long-term studies and concluded that having an active and fulfilling social life is crucial to maintaining physical health — especially for adolescents and elderly people. In other words, your friends are actually good for you!

“In adolescence, social isolation is equivalent to the effects of getting no exercise,” Kathleen Mullan Harris, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and senior author of the paper, told the Boston Globe. “The lack of social connections in old age is equivalent to having diabetes, in terms of increasing hypertension.”

The four studies included: an Add Health study tracking more than 20,000 teens into young adulthood; a national survey on midlife; and two surveys focusing on retirement and aging adults. In each of the studies the number and quality of an individual’s social life was compared with the four measures of physical health: BMI, inflammation, abdominal weight and blood pressure.Researchers discovered a positive correlation between the number of social connections an individual had and his or her health. “With each additional social connection that you have, you get an added beneficial effect for your health,” Harris explained. “The more, the better.”
It’s likely that friendship matters the most in regards to health during adolescence and old age because the middle stages of life are occupied by partners, children and living parents, thereby fulfilling all the social requirements. When people are single earlier in life, they’re more likely to be dependent on friends and social interactions with others for companionship. Later in life companionship is also crucial, as parents have already raised their children, loved ones may have been lost and careers have come to an end — which is why many seniors opt to move into active senior communities.
This research validates previous research that individuals with active and thriving social lives can reduce the risk of mortality by 50 percent.
If you really want to up your health ante, try working out with your BFF. Working out with a companion has been scientifically proven to improve your exercise game!

Home Remedies for Constipation in cats

Constipation causes, constipation in dog and cats, home remedies for dog, home remedies for cat, 

Causes of Constipation in Pets

  • Not drinking enough water, a very common cause of constipation.
  • The food does not contain enough fiber.
  • Matted hair might be blocking the rectal area.
  • Genetics make some pets more prone to constipation.
  • Side effect from certain medication.
  • Swallowing something that might block the passage of stool.
  • A neurological or neuromuscular disease.
  • Enlarged prostate in older pets.
  • While grooming, your pet might have swallowed hair that has bound up in the intestines.

Symptoms of Constipation in Pets

  • The amount of time and effort your pet spends trying to poop.
  • They have not-so-easy, irregular or no bowel movements at all.
  • The poop is very dry and hard.
  • Your pet strains hard when pooping.
  • They tremble or whimper while trying to poop.
  • The volume of feces is very little or nothing at all after trying hard to poop.

Preventing Constipation in Pets

  • Include fiber-rich food in your pet’s diet.
  • Switch to a nylon chew toy instead of a natural one.
  • Regular exercise also helps to keep the bowel movements regulated.
It might be as serious as a tumor growing in the anus or as simple as they swallowed something they shouldn’t have. If your pet is vomiting, seems depressed, losing weight or showing signs of severe dehydration, consult your veterinarian right away.
For temporary constipation, you can use a home remedy as the first course of action.
Here are home remedies for constipation in dogs and cats that might help relieve your furry little friend.

Method 1: Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin has high water content, and its seeds are rich in fiber. The pumpkin serves as a laxative to facilitate a proper bowel movement. Whereas, pumpkin seeds rich in fiber aid in easy digestion. The seeds are also potent enough to expel worms in petstoo.

Single-Step Treatment: Add pumpkin puree or seeds to your pet’s diet

pumpkin seeds for constipation in dogs and cats
Feed your pet with pumpkin puree or seeds to treat constipation easily
You can use both pumpkin and its seeds to treat constipation:
  • You can either grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and mix it in your dog’s food or feed them whole as treats if your dog likes them.
  • You can also get a fresh pumpkin. Peel off the outer shell and smash the pulp. Feed the pureed pumpkin to your pet. Some people cook the pumpkin or boil it first.
  • You may even buy plain canned pumpkin (not the pie filling) and feed it to your pet. Check the ingredients on the label. Canned pumpkin might contain ingredients that are synthetic in nature and might not be as good for your pet as fresh pumpkin.
The amount to feed your pet depends on their size.
  • For seeds give ½ teaspoon per 10 pounds of your dog’s weight.
  • In case of feeding direct pumpkin, 1 tablespoon for pets who weigh less than 15 pounds.
  • Feed 1 to 2 tablespoons for pets weighing between 15 and 35 pounds.
  • Feed 2 to 5 tablespoons for pets who weigh more than 35 pounds.
You should see results in 24 hours. If not, take your pet to your vet.
Note: To know if you’re overdosing on the pumpkin, check your pet’s stool.If it is a pudding-like consistency, then reduce the amount of pumpkin you’re giving.

Method 2: Coconut Oil

You might already know the amazing health benefits that coconut oil has for the human body. It turns out that it can help animals as well, including easing their pain of constipation.
Also, it’s typical for cats to have hairballs, but a high frequency can be a sign of internal problems. Feeding your cat coconut oil can reduce this frequency.

Single-Step Treatment: Mix coconut oil to dog or cat’s food

coconut oil home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Coconut oil helps ease the pain while passing stool
You can feed coconut oil to your pooch or feline either by:
  • Adding ½ to 1 teaspoon to your pet’s wet food.
  • Directly feeding the measured amount of coconut oil to your pet.
If you’re feeding coconut oil for the first time, start as small as ¼ teaspoon for smaller pups, ½ a teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight for larger breeds and 1 tablespoon per 30 pounds. Remember, feeding them too much can cause diarrhea.

Method 3: Aloe Vera

The juice of the aloe vera plant is known to be a great laxative. It can be given to your pets with constipation by mixing it with their wet food. The amount depends on the size and weight of your pet.

Single-Step Treatment: Feed aloe vera to your pet

aloe vera home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Aloe Vera acts as a laxative and gives relief from constipation
It is recommended that you give 1 to 3 drops of aloe vera juice per pound of your pet’s body weight, 2 times a day. So, if you have a pet who weighs 10 pounds, you should give them 10 to 30 drops of aloe vera juice twice a day.
  • Aloe vera juice is something of a debated concept among veterinarians. So, consult your vet before giving aloe vera juice to your pet.
  • Be very careful on the dosage and do not overdose on aloe vera juice.

Method 4: Milk

Milk that we normally consume acts as a kind of laxative for dogs. Dogs are generally lactose intolerant and don’t digest cow’s milk very well, so it causes them to have diarrhea. However, if your pet is suffering from constipation, you can give milk as a home remedy for constipation to your dog or cat, in a measured quantity to relieve their misery in a few hours.

Single-Step Treatment: Add milk to your pet’s diet in measured quantity

milk home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Milk in monitored quantity acts as a laxative
Add ¼ to ½ cup of milk to your dog food or water. Repeat once a day for a few days, and it should do the trick.
Note: Do not make this a regular part of their diet.

Method 5: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to reduce inflammation and promote detoxification in humans. However, it can also be given to dogs and cats in the case of ear infection, constipation, intestinal gas and episodes of diarrhea. While you’re at it, make sure you’re feeding only organic apple cider vinegar to your pets.

Single-Step Treatment: Mix apple cider vinegar to your pet’s food

apple cider vinegar for constipation in dogs and cats
Use apple cider vinegar to treat constipation in your pets
Apple cider vinegar is known to improve digestion in dogs and balancing out the pH levels in their body. It would be a difficult task feeding it undiluted to your pets because of the smell, but you can mix it with their food or water in the mentioned proportions.
The measurements should be as stated below:
  • ¼ teaspoon per 10 pounds of your pet’s body weight daily for 1 week.
  • For pets weighing 50 pounds or more, give 2 teaspoons each day for at least 1 week.

Method 6: Olive Oil

Oil serves as a natural lubricant for your pet’s intestinal tract. Adding a little oil to your pup’s food will help loosen up the stool and make it easier to pass. You can use olive oil or mineral oil for this purpose.

Single-Step Treatment: Mix olive oil to your pet’s food

olive oil home remedy for constipation in dos and cats
Treat constipation in your dog or cat with olive oil
  • Add as little as ½ teaspoon of olive oil per 10 pounds of your pet’s bodyweight per day. You can go up to 1 to-2 teaspoons if the constipation is stubborn. Don’t exceed the dosage for more than 3 or 4 days, as it can deplete Vitamin A from your pet’s body.
  • Olive oil is advantageous for your pet’s general health and digestive system. Use mineral oil in the same quantity as olive oil, according to your pet’s weight as a home remedy for constipation in your dog or cat.
Note: Do not try to give these oils directly into your pet’s mouth, as it could be accidentally inhaled into the lungs and cause severe issues.

Method 7: Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics that greatly help with digestion in pets. Choose a variety with live cultures. Yogurt also helps you to get rid of yeast infection in pets.

Single-Step Treatment: Add yogurt to pet’s diet

yogurt home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Yogurt aids digestion in your pet relieving constipation
You can continue giving yogurt to your pet if they are not intolerant to it. However, in a situation where you’re trying to make your pet poop, observe it for 2 days. If nothing is happening, then consult your vet. You can give your pet up to 1 tablespoon a day directly or by mixing it in their wet food.
Note: Do not feed your pet yogurt if they are allergic to it. In which case, try using other methods.

Method 8: Ginger with Chicken Broth

Ginger, one of the home remedies for constipation in dogs and cats, assists with proper digestion and dials down muscle spasms in a situation like constipation.

Single-Step Treatment: Mix ginger to your pet’s chicken broth

ginger home remedy for constipation in cats and dogs
Ginger aids in digestion relieving constipation naturally
Mix ¼ teaspoon of crushed ginger with either chicken or beef broth and feed it to your pet. The fat of the chicken or the beef in broth smoothens the linings of the intestinal tract.

Method 9: Wheat or Oats

Bran flakes, millets or cooked oats are great fiber supplements for your pet’s food. They are not very expensive and can help meet the daily requirement for fiber in your pet’s diet.

Single-Step Treatment: Feed your pet with fiber-rich food

wheat oats home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Fiber-rich diet ensures regulated bowel movements
Including these in small amounts in your pet’s food can make it easier for them to poop. However, do not use them in large quantities or feed them only bran. It might cause your pet to regurgitate or vomit. It may also cause gas or diarrhea.

Method 10: Water

If you feed your pet with dry food, you’ll see that when you put the food in water, it swells by absorbing the water. This is the same mechanism that happens inside your pet’s colon. The food expands in the gastrointestinal tract of the pooch or feline, absorbing all the moisture and making it dry and difficult to pass the stool.
water home remedy for constipation in dogs and cats
Keep your pet hydrated
Try infusing water right when you give your pet food. This will make sure that your pet consumes enough water and stays clear of constipation and digestive issues.


  • Do not forget to keep your dog’s anal region clean.
  • Increase your pet’s physical activity.
  • Get your pet neutered, in case of an enlarged prostate.
  • Do not give laxatives used by humans to your pets.

Alzheimer's disease: Early Signs of dementia, Alzheimer's test, Alzheimer's treatment.

Today we are dealing with Alzheimer's disease, signs of dementia and Alzheimer's treatment hope you got to know that this is all initiated by basic signs of dementia leadings towards memory loss.
Alzheimer's is one of those disease of which we don't have total cure, so much of talking, let's get started to know signs of dementia

Alzheimer's disease

  • Deaths: 93,541
  • Rate: 29.3
  • Age-adjusted rate: 25.4
  • Percentage of total deaths: 3.6 percent
alzheimer's word cloud
Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.
Dementia is an overall term for diseases and conditions characterized by a decline in cognitive function that affects a person's ability to perform everyday activities.
Dementia is caused by damage to nerve cells in the brain. As a result of the damage, neurons can no longer function normally and may die. This, in turn, can lead to changes in memory, behavior, and the ability to think clearly.
Alzheimer's disease is just one type of dementia, with vascular dementia causing similar symptoms but resulting from changes to the blood vessels that supply circulation to the brain. For people with Alzheimer's disease, the damage and death of neurons eventually impair the ability to carry out basic bodily functions such as walking and swallowing.
People in the final stages of the disease are bed-bound and require round-the-clock care. Alzheimer's is ultimately fatal.
An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease currently, including approximately 200,000 individuals younger than 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most expensive conditions in the nation and is the only cause of death in the top 10 that cannot currently be cured, prevented, or slowed. In 2015, the cost of Alzheimer's in the U.S. is estimated at $226 billion.
Despite these already staggering figures, Alzheimer's is expected to cost an estimated $1.2 trillion (in today's dollars) in 2050. This is, in part, because of improved rates of early detection, treatment, and prevention of other major causes of death, meaning that more people survive into older age (when the risk of Alzheimer's disease is greatest).

Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

The following are common signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's:
  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, work or in leisure
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships
  • New problems with words in speaking or writing
  • Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
  • Decreased or poor judgment
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities
  • Changes in mood and personality, including apathy and depression

Can Alzheimer's be prevented?

As the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown, there is no way to prevent the condition. However, there are some steps you can take that may help to delay the onset of dementia.
Alzheimer's is thought to develop as a result of complex interactions among multiple factors, including age, genetics, environment, lifestyle, and coexisting medical conditions.

Reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease

Many of the factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (disease of the heart or blood vessels) have also been connected to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. In fact, results of autopsies have revealed the some 80 percent of people with Alzheimer's have cardiovascular disease.
The risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as well as stroke and heart attacks, may be reduced by improving cardiovascular health using steps such as:
  • Stopping smoking
  • Avoiding excess alcohol intake
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Checking and managing blood pressure through regular health tests
  • Carefully managing diabetes or prediabetes, including taking appropriate medications and following dietary and lifestyle recommendations

Staying mentally active

Evidence suggests rates of dementia are lower in mentally, physically, and socially active people. It may be possible to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia by:
  • Reading
  • Writing for pleasure
  • Learning foreign languages
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Taking part in adult education courses
  • Playing sports
  • Walking
Hope this information will help you of all the signs of dementia, treatment of Alzheimer's.
See you in next post, till then take care and be save.

How To Avoid Dandruff Home Remedies

How To Avoid Dandruff, Home Remedies: We have seen recently that the problems of itching and hairfall that arises due to the dandruff is increasing the reason for that is lack of moisture in your scalp. I am here to say you some of the most important and well researched home redmies to avoid the dandruff.

 Before starting time how to avoid the dandruff through home redemies we would like to first discuss that how and why is done this happening appears in the head scalp so you are the sum of the reason that you should care to, so that you don't have dandruff any more.


How dandruff occurs:

  • As mentioned earlier dandruff is through lack of moisture in the scalp, use oils.
  • One of the best among is a castor oil.
  • The most common cause of dandruff (also known as scruff, seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema) is believed to be the fungus Malassezia furfur

Treatment of dandruff through home redemies:

1. The castor oil: strengthens the cuticle. It is very rich in vitamin E and also in ricinoleic acid. The vitamin E is very important antioxidant which prevents the action of the free radicals by which it reduces dandruff and hairfall. This oil beside the regenerative properties, destroys the fungus responsible for the dandruff. On the skin of the scalp it acts protectively, soothing and healing, while with its thick and sticky, feels bad while applying on scalp, consistency removes the extinct cells of the scalp. This one is one of cheapest method.

2. Apple cider vinegar- Apple cider vinegar helps in curbing the proliferation of yeast. 
Take 8 to 10 tablespoons each of apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl. Rinse massage your hair with a mixture of vinegar and water. Let the mixture sit in your scalp for about 15 mins then clean​ it
3. Eggs- Eggs are a great source of biotin, and since biotin can treat dandruff effectively, this should be your go to DIY mask to control dandruff.
Mix the yolks of the eggs in a bowl. Keep your hair dry, and then apply the yolks to the scalp. Make sure you cover your hair with a plastic bag as it can get a bit messy, and let it sit for an hour.  Washing thoroughly after applying the mask can almost help you get rid of the smell associated with eggs. And after that importantly don't forget to wash your hair with lemon water or cold tea liquor to mitigate the odor and lend a shine to your hair.
4. Lemon juice with Coconut Oil- If the PH balance of your hair is spoilt; you will definitely suffer from dandruff. Mix one part lemon juice with five parts coconut oil. Apply the mixture gently on your scalp and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Wash using a mild shampoo.
5. Garlic and honey- Garlic has almost reached superfood status, it keeps at bay a number of diseases, and can also reduce dandruff as it has anti-fungal properties.
Crush one or two garlic cloves till gets powdered; and blend with the honey till you form a smooth paste. Gently massage this paste onto your scalplet soak in the goodness of the garlic and then wash off with a mild shampoo.
6. Aloe vera- Aloe vera contains anti-bacterial and anti- fungal properties. Get fresh aloe for maximum benefits. (Best method) It also contains an enzyme called proteolytic enzyme, which has the property of breaking down protein like dead skin cells.  As the dead skin cells are removed with the help of aloe, the chances of eradicating dandruff are that much higher.
Cut fresh aloe and extract its gel. Apply it on your scalp. Then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
7. Baking Soda and Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar-Another effective blend of potent ingredients. It works because baking soda kills the fungi responsible for increasing dandruff.
Mix the ingredients i.e. baking soda, lemon and apple cider vinegar in a bowl and apply the mixture on your scalp. Let the mixture sit on your scalp for about 10 minutes; don’t keep it for too long as it can start itching. Wash your hair with lots of water. You can also use apple cider vinegar.
8. Fenugreek Seeds- The herb fenugreek has antifungal properties that can help avoid dandruff to a great extent. It not only weeds out dandruff but also stops hair fall.
9. Neem leaves- Another great ingredient which has potent anti-fungal properties. Its purely natural and found mostly everywhere. It stops itching and can stop dandruff right in its tracks. It is easily available and is an inexpensive way to treat dandruff.
Add two handfuls of neem leaves to 4 or 5 cups of scalding hot water. Let it stand overnight. The next morning, strain the liquid and use it as a hair rinse. 
10. Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil has been used for its medicinal properties. It has fungicidal qualities which help combat dandruff effectively.
Pour a generous one tablespoon of tea tree oil into 1 cup of warm water in a squirt bottle. Remember it is one of the best techniques but effects on  a some skins. After washing your hair with shampoo, spray the mixture all over your scalp, massage, and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
11. Olive oil- Olive oil is full of antioxidants that help keep your scalp in great condition. The fact that it contains a number of essential nutrients like vitamins A and E, it also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight against the perennial hair problem, dandruff.
12. Baking Soda- Now, this is another great remedy that works big time in eliminating dandruff. It is a kitchen staple so a pretty handy remedy. Why does it work. It keeps the scalp squeaky clean by clearing off the impurities and dead skin cells.
13. Egg Yolks- If you have an itchy scalp and dandruff, the best way to get rid of this problem is by using egg yolks. The amino acids content of egg yolks is what works in its favor. It strengthens your hair and rejuvenates hair health, besides eliminating dandruff.Here is what you need to do, collect the yolks of two eggs and beat them well. Blend in the juice extracted from one small lemon. Apply this mixture onto your scalp and let it stay for five minutes and then clean it.
Hope you found it helpful and do share.
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