
Calculate Your Macronutrients Intake, Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health.


Fitness is the best way  to express a healthy life living with happiness and prosperity, A lot of diet clubs are all structured around low calories and quite enough certain macronutrients.

What are macronutrients:

Now for you to understand this, I need to explain to you what macronutrients are or macros for short. Okay? There's three key components and the first component we're going to talk about is carbohydrates or carbs. Now, normally, some diets will go literally cut all the carbs out, which has some benefits, but it also has lots of negatives as well. And so it's about finding out where you're currently sitting in terms of your dietary needs and also what your goals are.


Macronutrients calculator:

Now, one of the main things what you need to look at about carbohydrates is that it helps your body with high-intensity exercise. So what I mean by higher intensity is anything running about 70% of your maximum heart rate. So for simple terms, when we're actually walking, then we're low intensity. When we start running and we start to get out of breath and we struggle to hold a conversation, that's when your body starts utilising carbohydrates a little bit more. So this is the really important thing that if you're exercising hard, you need carbohydrates.

Here's the list of macronutrients.

And the second one mainly for the workouts is that it'll help you refuel after your workout. Now, your body will deplete your carbohydrate stores as you start to do more exercise. Now, it's important that your body is replacing those fuels because if you don't refuel them, you'll not be ready for the next workout.

The pros of cutting out carbs is that you'll lose weight very quickly. But that weight -- you'll lose weight quickly due to basically the actual food that you're having outside of it is basically less stodgy. So all that happens is that you're going to be left bloated for a while. And after a while, you'll miss these if you are doing higher-intensity exercise.

Secondly is fats. This is another one that's really common with diet companies in particular. They'll make you eat loads of carbohydrates because in terms of one gramme, there is less calories. So for one gramme of carbohydrates, there's four calories. For one gramme of fat, there's nine calories. So it's more calorie dense. So whenever that happens with your diet clubs is they cut out your fats so that you drop the calories, which means you lose weight.

Now the focus -- what I'm going to look at with fats is that these have very good -- they have lots of benefits in terms of what it's going to do for your health. But right there, you don't really need to worry about those. The one thing you need to listen about fats is that they're there for low-intensity exercise. So me speaking to you now, you're watching this video, that is low-intensity exercise. Walking, slow, steady-state running, that's using fats as its energy source. So you do need the fats mainly for your bodily function. So you eat fat to lose fat within moderation.

The final one is protein. Now, everyone in the world, okay, who knows anything about nutrition will always tell you the benefits of protein. The thing with protein is lots of people don't have enough and it's not just purely for body builders. The reason why we want you to have protein is it will help build back lean muscle tissue. And what I mean by that is that when you work out, you're a little bit sore, then your body needs to repair and get stronger. So in order to get stronger, you need protein to aid that.

Macronutrients diet:

In the terms of this, account of it, balance of it would be that you will actually increase your metabolism, which means you're going to burn off more fat by sitting down. So think about these. Have a bit of a read through it. But your carbs need to be in your diet, fats need to be in your diet, and protein needs to be in your diet. The problem is that somebody -- usually most people have too much of one thing, little of the other or they eat too much in general. That's the reason why people have weight problems. So what I want you to do next is look out for the next videos on what your macronutrient split should be to start with.

Related: How To Get Rid Of Back Fat

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